The Wiper robot is a prototype which has been developed in the "Systems and Control" laboratory at the Université de Liège (Belgium), from 2003 to 2007. It is a juggling setup we used both in robotics and human motor control experiments.
This very simple setup aimed at capturing the main properties of juggling, namely the need for coordination in a dynamical environment. We used Wiper both for robotics experiments (stabilization of the juggled puck through a computational actuation of the impacting arms) and experiments in motor control (human subjects controlled the impacting arms).
Investigated topics included:
 - non-linear control of underactuated systems;
 - sensory efficiency;
 - performance and robustness in impact dynamics;
 - open- VS closed-loop control of (weakly) stable dynamics by human subjects.

Wiper robot


Rodolphe Sepulchre Renaud Ronsse


The last movie was realized by closing the loop only with timing feedback, i.e. detection of the impact times.
This original limited source of feedback is viewed as an interesting candidate of low-level sensory inflow for many rhythmic movements.


PhD thesis

Journal papers
  1. Robotics and Neuroscience: a Rhythmic Interaction, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, Neural Networks 21(4), 2008
  2. Control of Bimanual Rhythmic Movements: Trading Efficiency for Robustness Depending on the Context, R. Ronsse, J.-L. Thonnard, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, Experimental Brain Research 187(2), 2008
  3. Rhythmic Feedback Control of a Blind Planar Juggler, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(4), 2007
  4. Sensorless Stabilization of Bounce Juggling, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22(1), 2006
Conference proceedings and posters
  1. Feedback Control of Impact Dynamics: the Bouncing Ball Revisited, R. Ronsse, R. Sepulchre, in 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA-USA, 2006
  2. Visual Feedback Influences Bimanual Coordination in a Rhythmic Task, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, Society for Neuroscience's 36th annual meeting, Atlanta, GA-USA, 2006
  3. Timing Feedback Control of a Rhythmic System, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, in 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain, 2005
  4. The Role of Visual Feedback in a Rhythmic Task, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, Society for Neuroscience's 35th annual meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2005
  5. Rhythmic stabilization of periodic orbits in a wedge, M. Gérard, R. Sepulchre, in 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
  6. Is Bounce Juggling Easier in a Parabolic Billiard than in a Wedge?, D.E. Chang, R. Ronsse, R. Sepulchre, in ENOC, Eindhoven, the Nederlands, 2005
  7. Eye-Hand Coordination in a Bimanual Bounce Juggling Task, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, Society for Neuroscience's 34th annual meeting, San Diego, CA-USA, 2004
  8. Stabilization through weak and occasional interactions: a billiard benchmark, M. Gérard, R. Sepulchre, in 4th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2004
  9. Open-loop Stabilization of 2D Impact Juggling, R. Ronsse, P. Lefèvre, R. Sepulchre, in IFAC Nolcos, Stuttgart, Germany, 2004
  10. Stabilization of periodic orbits in a wedge billiard, R. Sepulchre, M. Gérard, in 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawaii, USA, 2003