ACM Computing Surveys 28A(4), December 1996, Copyright © 1996 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. See the permissions statement below.

Strategic Directions in Computing Research
Concurrency Working Group
Position Statement:
Where is the algorithmic support?

Pierre Wolper

Université de Liège, Institut Montefiore, B28
4000 Liège, BELGIUM,

Where's the algorithmic support? This is quite a natural question to ask in computer science research, but one that has not always been adequately addressed in concurrency theory research. This position statement argues that it should always be present in our minds when pursuing such research. Of course, much work in concurrency theory has led to algorithms, and one clearly needs to understand the structures one is talking about before finding algorithms to manipulate them. But, the latter point should not be taken as a blank check for eluding indefinitely the algorithmic support question. After all, a model starts to have real value when it can be used for analytical or synthetic computations.

The algorithmic support of concurrency theories needs neither be immediate nor direct. A semantics can eventually lead to a reliable compiler. Temporal logic was studied for several years before algorithmic synthesis and verification methods appeared. However, research that ignores the issue often becomes a blind alley. Consider for instance the issue of compositionality in proof systems for concurrency. I am not going to argue that compositionality is undesirable, but that achieving it without algorithmic support (in a broad sense) is easy and mostly useless. Indeed, if you can code programs and the concurrent composition rule in a logic, the logic becomes compositional. But, that does not help much. What matters is to be able to effectively reason about the concurrent composition of programs. Rephrasing this problem as the problem of reasoning in a logic does not help, it can even make things harder.

There are many questions still to consider in concurrency theory [CS 1996]. One can look for more comprehensive models, for a unifying framework, for better languages, or for more discriminating semantics. All this is valuable, but will be even more so if we keep asking ``where is the algorithmic support?''


[CS 1996]
Rance Cleaveland and Scott A. Smolka Eds, Strategic Directions in Computing Research Concurrency Working Group Report Computing Surveys, 28, 4 (December 1996),

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Last modified: Fri Nov 15 1996
Pierre Wolper <>