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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CBRPBalance Responsible Party Needed to inherit from a state agent and have the following properties:
 CClientManages all the interaction with the client
 CDataClass handling the data of the system
 CFSPFlexibility services provider Needed to inherit from a state agent and have the following properties:
 CFSUFlexibility services user
 CInstanceParametersInstance paramaters structure
 CInteractionModelContains the options of the interaction model
 CJobCommand line job
 CLayerLayer of the system
 CForecastSkeleton of a forecast
 CFiniteExponentialForecastForecast by taking the exponential mean of the N last measurements
 CAbstractSystemAbstract agent-based system
 CAgentAbstract class of an agent
 CSolverSkeleton of a solver interface
 CTimeDataSet of timedata
 CIPGetterProtocolSubclass of the protocol to obtain the ip adress of the client
 CSystemAgent based system definition
 CStateSystemAbstract agent-based state system
 CDemandDemand with the inverse demand function \(\pi = 40 - 0.05 q^2\)
 CSupplySupply with the target supply function \(\pi = 0.1 q^2 +2\)
 CStateAgentAbstract class of a state agent
 CFlexibilityPlatformPlatform to centralize the flexibility
 CECBidEnergy constrained bid
 CECObligationBidEnergy constrained obligation bid
 CSPBidSingle period bid
 CSPObligationBidSingle period obligation bid
 CProducerProducer agent
 CRetailerRetailer agent
 CProducerProducer agent
 CRetailerRetailer agent
 CDSODistribution System Operator agent
 CProducerProducer agent
 CRetailerRetailer agent
 CTSOTransmission system operator
 CEphemeralLayerLayer of the system that is acting only on a limited number of iterations
 CDSODistribution System Operator agent
 CProducerProducer agent
 CQuantitativeCriteriaAgent which evaluates quantitatively the state of the system
 CRetailerRetailer agent
 CTSOTransmission system operator
 CSystemClass that generates the system from a data folder