ndd_create_zn, ndd_create_zn_lsdf, ndd_create_zn_msdf

[ Synopsis | Description | Return values | Diagnostics | See also | Back to the NDD package documentation ]


#include "lash-ndd.h"

ndd *ndd_create_zn_lsdf(uint1 r, uint4 n);
ndd *ndd_create_zn_msdf(uint1 r, uint4 n);
ndd *ndd_create_zn(uint1 r, uint4 n);


The functions ndd_create_zn_lsdf and ndd_create_zn_msdf create a new NDD representing the set of all the integers vectors of dimension n. The numeration base is r. The NDDs created by ndd_create_zn_msdf operate most significant digit first, and those created by ndd_create_zn_lsdf least significant digit first.

The macro ndd_create_zn creates a universal NDD operating in the default direction.

Return values

In the case of success, these functions and macro return a pointer to a newly allocated NDD. In the case of an error, they return a NULL pointer and set lash_errno.


The package has not been initialized.
Insufficient memory.
Invalid base (which must be at least equal to 2).

See also


[ Synopsis | Description | Return values | Diagnostics | See also | Back to the NDD package documentation ]