28th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control

Electronic Submission of Abstracts

To submit an abstract for the 28th Benelux Meeting, please read the Call for Papers and prepare your abstract according to the instructions in the Authors kit. Then fill in the form below, while carefully taking note of the directions. Fields marked with a * are required.

Submission Form

Manuscript data

Note that the data you enter will be used to typeset the program.

Manuscript category

Comments of authors

Manuscript delivery*

Bus transportation*

If the possibility is offered, I will register for bus transportation between Maastricht and the conference location? (return-trip: 15 EUR) no



Please press the ``Submit'' button only once!
You will receive a submission confirmation by email with a Paper Identification Number and Update Code if everything has been processed successfully. Do not resubmit your abstract if you need to make changes after your submission. Instead, wait for the acceptance confirmation, after which you can resubmit.