A reinforcement learning based discrete supplementary control for power system transient stability enhancement

Mevludin Glavic, Damien Ernst, Louis Wehenkel
Proceedings of ISAP 2003 - 2003

BibTex references

  author       = "Glavic, Mevludin and Ernst, Damien and Wehenkel, Louis",
  title        = "A reinforcement learning based discrete supplementary control for power system transient stability enhancement",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of ISAP 2003",
  year         = "2003",
  address      = "Lemnos, Greece",
  keywords     = "power systems, machine learning",
  url          = "http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/services/stochastic/pubs/2003/GEW03"

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» Mevludin Glavic
» Damien Ernst
» Louis Wehenkel