Dynamic multilevel filtering for real-time estimation of electric power systems

Didier Mallieu, Thierry Van Cutsem, Patricia Rousseaux, Mania Pavella
Control - Theory and Advanced Technology, page 255-272 - 1986

BibTex references

  author       = "Mallieu, Didier and Van Cutsem, Thierry and Rousseaux, Patricia and Pavella, Mania",
  title        = "Dynamic multilevel filtering for real-time estimation of electric power systems",
  journal      = "Control - Theory and Advanced Technology",
  pages        = "255-272",
  year         = "1986",
  keywords     = "power systems",
  url          = "http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/services/stochastic/pubs/1986/MVRP86"

Other publications in the database

» Didier Mallieu
» Thierry Van Cutsem
» Patricia Rousseaux
» Mania Pavella