V-GAIMS: first results on a healthy volunteer performing several types of pathological gait

The example videos displayed here demonstrate these recordings in three different walking tasks : walking normally along a straight line, tandem walking along a straight line (a common task performed during the neurological examination aimed at demonstrating subtle balance disorders unapparent during normal walking) and walking along an 8-shaped path (where the 2 U-turn are aimed to induce loss of balance).

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And here are a few graphs related to the videos hereabove.

About ataxic gait ...

Typical ataxic gait can be encountered in diseases affecting the prorioceptive system (i.e. the sensory peripheral nerves or the spinal cord posterior columns) or the cerebellum. Patients will complain of loss of balance, walking difficulties and falls. On gait examination, they will display a widened base of support, with irregular length and rythm of steps, and spontaneous deviation to the left or the right. Vestibular ataxia is not represented here.

About hemiparetic gait ...

Hemiparetic patients have a loss of strength (paresis) affecting one side of the body. In most instances, this paresis is associated with involvement of the corticospinal tract, which will give rise to a “pyramidal syndrome” with compensatory hypertony and the so-called “spastic” flexion of the upper limb and extension of the lower limb. This will lead to an asymetric gait with “circumduction” of paretic the lower limb due to the drop foot.